White-out movement
Why is it not advisable to give white-rice foods? White rice cereal foods and other stacked baby cereals are actually junk foods. This is because; most of these foods have processed white rice cereal with a few minerals and vitamins sprinkled...that's all!!! Long term food preferences are influenced by early food exposures. Thus, weaning phase can be considered as a critical window of development of healthy food habits. This phase is ripe with opportunity to inculcate good eating habits. Introduction of processed rice cereal at this stage, in the form of powder is nothing but giving the baby a spoon of sugar. Metabolically, it is just that!!!! The first year of life is crucial. The flavor and texture of a particular food becomes imprinted once the baby gets exposed to that food repeatedly, say about 10 times. So, if rice flour is given again and again, the child will develop preference to the same flavor and this leads to consumption of unhealthy junk foods like hamburgers, chips, cupcakes, etc, in future. Thus, processed rice powder introduction, early in life, can contribute to obesity in future. The baby's first grain should always be whole grain. The first food should always be a real food.