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A word of caution


As far as possible give only home-made foods to babies. You may see some chubby baby in neighborhood balcony eating a bowlful of cereal picked up from market and feel jealous. Such instinct make mothers shove in market cereals and foods. Try to recollect what your teacher said in your school days. You need to pass exams by studying, learning and then writing exams, not by copying or paying money. The latter efforts may give you a pass certificate but without knowledge and skills. Similarly, the market cereals may only give you some nutrition. But they will not teach your baby correct food habits. I strongly do not recommend giving babies maida-based foods as they are not good for health in the long run. Do not give biscuits, goodies and bread made out of maida. Honey, non-vegetarian food, eggs, cow's milk and nuts are better started after one year of age. Non-vegetarian foods and eggs can be started even earlier, say at 7 months. But, it is better they are introduced later because they are loaded with protein and can contribute to food allergies.


Based on these suggestions, innovate new healthy foods for your baby and teach other young parents about them. Wish you all the best.

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